Chapter 10
Kodak ESP 9 Printer User Guide 85
Corrective Action
• Correct any connection problems and try again.
• If the file system is corrupt, reformat it.
• Disconnect the unsupported device.
Ink cartridge not recognized
Probable Cause 1
The color or black ink cartridge installed was not recognized.
Corrective Action
Install a genuine Kodak ink cartridge.
Probable Cause 2
One of the ink cartridges needs to be replaced.
Corrective Action
Replace the ink cartridge.
Multiple paper feed
Probable Cause
Multiple sheets of paper were pulled through printer.
Corrective Action
1 Remove the paper from the paper tray.
2 Carefully “fan” the paper to keep the sheets from sticking together.
3 Reload the paper tray. Do not overfill.
4 Press
Note: If the USB drive uses an NTFS or HFS formatting system, the printer may not
be able to read it. Macintosh users may need to transfer these files directly to their
computer, and then printing to the printer from there.
Warning: Generic or non-Kodak ink cartridges may not function with the
All-in-One printer. Kodak recommends using genuine Kodak ink cartridges.
Caution: Kodak Inkjet paper is recommended for your Kodak All-in-One printer.