■ SP Unmute
You can select the type of SP Unmute system for each
channel. The selection is as follows.
Carrier, QT/DQT:
Channel with this option will not check ID Code in order to
open its speaker.
Channel that is set with this option will have to check for
ID Code in order to open its speaker.
Carrier, QT/DQT.
SP unmute
Channel setting
RX condition Speaker
DTMF condition
Carrier None None Carrier Sounds
Yes Carrier Sounds
Carrier+DTMF Sounds
None Yes Carrier Not Sounds
Carrier+DTMF Sounds
QT/DQT Yes None Carrier Not Sounds
Carrier+QT/DQT Sounds
Yes Carrier Not Sounds
Carrier+QT/DQT Sounds
Carrier+DTMF Not Sounds
Yes Yes Carrier Not Sounds
Carrier+QT/DQT Not Sounds
Carrier+DTMF Not Sounds
Note :
When QT/DQT is not used, QT/DQT and QT/DQT+DTMF
can not be selected.
When DTMF is not used, Carrier+DTMF and QT/
DQT+DTMF can not be selected.
■ Auto Reset
If option signalling matches a group set up with option sig-
nalling, option signalling is released. After matching option
signalling, option signalling will temporarily reset automati-
■ Stun
If the stun code matches, a predetermined action will oc-
cur. Whether option signalling is activated or not, when stun
matches on any channel, the transceiver will become TX in-
hibited or TX/RX inhibited. While stun is active, if the stun
code + “#” code is received, stun will deactivate.
When stun matches, transpond will function. Alert will
not be output.
7. Audible User Feedback Tones
The transceiver outputs various combinations of tones to
notify the user of the transceiver operating state.
Refer to the help file on the KPG-70D, regarding the func-
tions that are not listed below.
■ Stun on tone
When a stun code is received, transpond tone sounds.
■ Stun off tone
When a stun release code is received, transpond tone
■ Group call tone
Sounds when a group call with the correct DTMF option
signalling is received, repeats 7 times. You can select yes or
no in the Alert tone level setting.
■ Individual call tone
Sounds when an individual call with the correct DTMF op-
tion signalling is received. You can select yes or no in the
Alert tone level setting.
■ Key input error tone
Sounds when a key is pressed but that key cannot be
used. You can select yes or no for the optional feature's
warning tone.
■ Transpond tone
Sounds when an individual call with the correct DTMF op-
tion signalling is received. For group calls, only the group
tone will sound, not the transpond tone.
■ Pre alert tone
Sounds prior to the TOT TX inhibit activation. If TOT pre
alert is set, the tone sounds at the amount of time pro-
grammed, before the TOT expires (TOT time – TOT pre alert
time = Pre alert tone sounding time). You can select yes or
no for the optional feature’s warning tone.
■ Transmit protection
The final FET is protected against heat while transmitting
by making the radio cuts down TX power when the tempera-
ture of the final FET becomes higher than reference. After
that, if the temperature continue to rise, transmission is
stopped. The final FET is also protected against over voltage
by having the radio to check that the voltage of power supply
connected to the radio is not higher than about 17V when the
radio is turned on, otherwise it can not transmit. In both
cases when transmission is stopped, a beep will continue to
sound until the PTT key is released.