Audio-Video Receiver KRF-X9992D 71
probably have found the problem.
3. Go over all device connections slowly and methodically.
Double-check the settings on your remote.
Wrong or loose connections are the most likely cause of the
most common home entertainment problem: no sound. Use
the Connection and Setup Guide to double-check your con-
nections for each device. This is especially important with
VCRs, tape decks, MD recorders, and equalizers, where it’s
very easy to swap the “play” and “record” connections.
You should also check your PowerTouch settings carefully.
Did you set the input to the correct device? (you can also
check the front panel of the receiver) Are you trying to listen
to an analog source using a digital connection?
4. Cables (especially old ones) go bad more frequently
than devices do.
Always suspect the cable before its device. For one thing, it’s
easier to test: simply swap the cable with one connected to a
device you know is working. If the problem device works now,
it was the cable. You can generally purchase new cables at most
home electronics stores, or via the Internet.
5. User error is more likely than device failure.
You probably don’t want to hear this, but it’s true. Use this
manual to go over the steps to operate the receiver. Refer to
the other devices’ manuals as well.
6. Instruction manuals are your friend.
A good rule of thumb is to check the manual when something
doesn’t work how you expected it to. If you read the manual
before calling the store or taking the device back, you may find
the solution to your problem much more quickly.
The rest of this chapter presents some common problems,
grouped by type, and the steps you can take to resolve them.