D Operation in the "Custom # Edit: VCR" screen.
_r (_'m__Q _JL_(_ Pwr : Power
J@lm ®l P,v P,ay
Channel Code JQ_L_!
• The output tmingof each code can be switched as shown below
"- -" ndicates that nO code is output and "Os" indicates that the
code is output at the same time es a macro e×ecute key _spressed
• The component name after "Edit: ....... " is switched to "VCR"_
"DSS', "Cable", "Satellite", "LD", "DVD", "CD", "MD" or
"Tape" according to the selected input.
VR-2OgOiVR-_O80! KRF-V8881 O/KIqF V7 771D IEn/K]
• Check the opecation after setting the time, If macro piay does not
occur, increase the tree settings with the following procedure
O Set the "Pwr" (Power) on time,
Select with the "_ "or "1_ " icon,
• Select the "Pwr" icon and check operation.
Set the "Ply" (Play) start time.
Select with the "_ "or "[_1" icon.
• Select the "Ply" icon and check operat on.
O Set the "input Select" code output timing of the VCR.
Select with the "_ "or "(_ " icon.
• Seect the "Input Select" con and check operation
Q Open the "10key Pad" menu screen to select a channe!.
Select "Channel" icon.
• Set as described in step []
O Set the "Channel Code" output timing of the VCR.
Select with the "_ "or "(_ " icon.
• Se;ect the "Channel Code" icon and check Operation.
D Operation in the "lOkey Pad (Macro)" screen.
CIr :Clear
:The number of input
icons is shown in max.
10 digits.
Clr : Select to clear all the input "_k"
Entr : Select when it is required to enter a value selection.
>12 : Select when inputting a channel value of 13 or more.
-/-- : Select to switch between the 1-dlgit input or 2-digit
• To output a set channel code, se(ect the "Channel Code" icon in
step lei.
O Set a channel.
To set CH 11 : Select the "÷10 _ then "1" icons.
O Select the " @ " icon to establish the selection.
When " _ " is selected, the screen returns to the previous
k" '
Custom 1 Edit 1:ACC
r_ Perform selection in the "Macro Edit: 1,2 or 3" menu screen,
[ _ Set the "Accessories" (power) ON timing.
Select with the "[_ "or "_ " icon.
Custom 1Edit 1: TV
D Pertorm selection in the "Macro Edit: Custom 1, 2 or 3" menu screen.
Pwr : Power
• Check the operation after setting the time, If macro play does not
occult, increase the time settings with the following procedure.
0 Set the "Pwr" (power) ON time,
Select with the "_ "or "(_ " icon.
• Select the "Pwr" icon and check operation.
Pwr :Setting of the TV's "Pwr" code output timing.
TV :Selection of the controlled TV from "TV1" and
Video Select :Selection of the TV's "Video Select" code output
TV Select :Selection of the TV's "TV Select" code output
_) Select whether "TVt" or "TV2" is to be controlled.
_) Set the "Video Select" code output timing.
Select with the "(_ "or "[_" icon.
• Select the "Video Select" icon and check operat=on.
Q Set the "TV Select" code output timing.
Select with the " _ "or "1_" icon.
• Seect the "TV Select" icon and check operation.