What might seem to be a malfunction in your unit may
just be the result of slight misoperation or miswiring.
Before calling service, first check the following table
for possible problems.
? The power does not turn ON.
(/ The fuse has blown.
=+ After checking for short circuits rn the wares, replace the fuse with
one-with the same ratrng.
(/ No ACC posrtron on vehicle rgnrtron
* Connect the same wrre to the rgnitron as the battery wrre
? Nothing happens when the buttons are pressed.
I/ The computer chrp rn the unit is not functronrng normally
u* Press the reset buttor? on the unrt (page 5)
? There’s a source you can’t switch.
/ There’s no CD Inserted
m* Set the medra you want to Men to If there’s no media rn thus
unit. you can’t swhich to each source.
? The memory is erased when the ignition is turned OFF.
4 The battery wrre has not been connected to the proper terminal
us* Connect the wrre correctly, referring to the sectron on
<Connecting Wires to Terrnrnals>
/ The rgnrtron and battery wrre are rncorrectly connected
1; Connect the wire correctly, referring to the sectron on
<Connectlnq Wires to Termrnals>.
? Even if Loudness is turned ON, high-pitched tone isn’t compensated
(/ Tuner source IS selected
~1 High-prtched tone Isn’t compensated for when I” Tuner source
? No sound can be heard, or the volume is low.
4 The fader or balance settings are set all the way to one srde
c- Center the fader and balance settrngs
/ The lnputioutput wires or wrnng harness are connected rncorrectly
c-i Reconnect the Input/output wires or the wrnng harness correctly
See the sectron on <Connectrng Wires !o Termrnals>
? The sound quality is poor or distorted.
/ One of the speaker wires IS being prnched by a screw rn the car.
= Check the speaker wirrng,
(/ The speakers are not wrred correctly
c* Reconnect the speaker wires so that each output terminal IS
connected to a different speaker.
? The Touch Sensor Tone doesn’t sound.
(/ The preout lack IS berng used.
03 The Touch Sensor Tone can’t be output from the preout lack
Tuner source
? Radio reception is poor.
/ The car antenna is not extended
GI- Pull the antenna out all the way
4 The antenna control wire IS not connected.
~1 Connect the wrre correctly, referring to the sectron on
<Connectrng Wares to Termrnals>.