Menu system
Function of the KDC-W6527SE/ KDC-W6527
In External disc, or Auxiliary input source
Dual Zone System
Makes the sound different for the front channel
and rear channel.
Display Setting
"Zone 2 OFF" The front and rear are the same source sound.
"Zone 2 ON" The front and rear are the different source sound.
• When the Dual Zone System is on, there is only sound
effect including Audio control for internal source.
• When you set the Dual zone system to ON while the
subwoofer preout is switched ON, the sound of the
subwoofer preout isn’t output.
• When the source is selected to VZ-7000P/N (optional
accessory), the VZ-7000P/N’s sound is not output if the
Dual Zone System is turned ON.
Function of the KDC-W6527SE/ KDC-W6527
When the Dual Zone System is OFF
Dual Zone System Setting
Setting the Front channel and Rear channel
sound in the Dual Zone System.
Display Setting
"Zone 2 Rear" The front is this unit’s internal source, and the rear
is selected source sound.
"Zone 2 Front" The rear is this unit’s internal source, and the front
is selected source sound.
B.M.S. (Bass Management System)
Adjust the bass boost level of the external
amplifier using the main unit.
Display Setting
"A MP Bass Flat" Bass boost level is flat.
"A MP Bass +6" Bass boost level is low (+6dB).
"A MP Bass +12" Bass boost level is mid (+12dB).
"A MP Bass +18" Bass boost level is high (+18dB).
• Refer to the catalog or instruction manual for power
amplifiers that can be controlled from this unit.
• For amplifiers there are the model that can be set
from Flat to +18 dB, and the model that can be set
from Flat to +12 dB.
When an amplifier that can only be set to +12 is
connected to the unit, "AMP Bass +18" won’t work
correctly even if it’s selected.
B.M.S. Frequency Offset
Setting the central frequency boosted by B.M.S.
Display Setting
"A MP FREQ Normal" Boost with the normal central frequency.
"A MP FREQ Low" Drop the normal central frequency 20%.
News Bulletin with Timeout Setting
It switches automatically when a news bulletin
starts even if the radio isn’t being listened to. Also,
the time interval when interrupt is prohibited can
be set.
Display and Setting
"News OFF"
"News 00min"
"News 90min"
When "News 00min" — "News 90min" is set, the
News Bulletin Interrupt function is ON.
When it’s ON, the "NEWS
" indicator is ON.
When the news bulletin starts, "NEWS " is
displayed, and it switches to the news bulletin.
• If you choose the "20min" setting, further news
bulletins will not be received for 20 minutes once the
first news bulletin is received.
• The news bulletin volume is the same level that was
set for 'Traffic Information' (page 18).
• This function is only available if the desired station
sends PTY-code for news bulletin or belongs to
'Enhanced Other Network'-Network sending PTY-code
for news bulletin.
• When the News Bulletin Interrupt function is ON, it
switches to an FM station.