
This function permits the CD text, MD title, Radio text and ID3
tag(Song title, Artist, Album) to be scrolled and the entire text
to be displayed. Switching between manual scrolling and
automatic scrolling is permitted.
Display and setting:
"Scroll Auto" : Automatic scrolling
"Scroll MANU" : Manual scrolling (Default setting)
Text Scroll
You can switch what you want to display for an ongoing tune.
Display and setting:
"ID3 DISP A" : Filename
"ID3 DISP B" : ID3 tag song title and its artist name (Default
"ID3 DISP C" : ID3 tag album name and its artist name
If you don't turn the MP3 ID Read ON, the setup items will not
be displayed.
Switching the MP3 title information display
<in MP3 mode>
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ID3 tag information in the MP3 file is configured for use.
Display and setting:
"ID3 Read ON" : ID3 tag is read.
"ID3 Read OFF" : ID3 tag is not read. (Default setting)
• If you switch this setting during the play of MP3, the track is
replayed from the beginning.
• If you turn the ID3 tag read ON, beginning of the play is
delayed for reading process of each tag for the tune.
Reading the MP3 ID3 tag <in MP3 mode>
When poor stereo reception is experienced, this function will
reduce noise and improve listening conditions.
Display and setting:
"MONO ON" : The monaural reception is on.
"MONO OFF" : The monaural reception is off. (Default setting)
Monaural Reception
<In FM reception of Tuner mode>
another traffic information station with better reception will be
searched for automatically. This function is on, when unit is
first powered on.
Display and setting:
"ATPS ON" : The Auto TP Seek Function is on.
If the traffic information station you are tuned to
experiences poor reception, this function
automatically seeks another TP station. (Default
"ATPS OFF" : The Auto TP Seek Function is off.