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What might seem to be a malfunction in your unit may
just be the result of slight misoperation or miswiring.
Before calling service, first check the following table
for possible problems.
? The power does not turn ON.01
✔ The fuse has blown.
☞ After checking for short circuits in the wires, replace the fuse with
one with the same rating.
✔ No ACC position on vehicle ignition.02
☞ Connect the same wire to the ignition as the battery wire.
? If you have selected Standby mode, the power will go OFF
✔ The Power OFF Timer function has been activated.
☞ If you do not want the power to go OFF automatically, cancel the
Power OFF Timer function.
? Nothing happens when the buttons are pressed.04
✔ The computer chip in the unit is not functioning normally.
☞ Press the reset button on the unit (page 4).
? There’s a source you can’t switch.06
✔ There’s no CD inserted.
☞ Set the media you want to listen to. If there’s no media in this
unit, you can't switch to each source.
? The faceplate does not open or close.09
✔ The faceplate is incorrectly attached.
☞ Reattach the faceplate correctly, See the section on <Removing
the Faceplate>(page 16).
? The memory is erased when the ignition is turned OFF.10
✔ The battery wire has not been connected to the proper terminal.
☞ Connect the wire correctly, referring to the section on
<Connecting Wires to Terminals>.
✔ The ignition and battery wire are incorrectly connected.11
☞ Connect the wire correctly, referring to the section on
<Connecting Wires to Terminals>.
? There’s no loudness effect.12
✔ You’re using Non-fading preout.
☞ Loudness has no effect in Non-fading preout.
? The TEL mute function does not work.15
✔ The TEL mute wire is not connected properly.
☞ Connect the wire correctly, referring to the section on
<Connecting Wires to Terminals>.
? The TEL mute function turns ON even though the TEL mute wire is
not connected.16
✔ The TEL mute wire is touching a metal part of the car.
☞ Pull the TEL mute wire away from the metal part of the car.
? The Bass center frequency, Bass quality factor, Bass extend, Middle
center frequency, Middle quality factor, and Treble center frequency
can’t be adjusted.19
✔ The <System Q> (page 10) is set OFF.
☞ Set it ON.
? No sound can be heard, or the volume is low.
✔ The fader or balance settings are set all the way to one side.21
☞ Center the fader and balance settings.
✔ The input/output wires or wiring harness are connected incorrectly.22
☞ Reconnect the input/output wires or the wiring harness correctly.
See the section on <Connecting Wires to Terminals>.
✔ The values of Volume offset are low.24
☞ Increase the values of Volume offset. (page 10)
✔ The <Built-in Amp Mute Setting> (page 33) is ON.100
☞ Turn it OFF.
? The sound quality is poor or distorted.25
✔ One of the speaker wires is being pinched by a screw in the car.
☞ Check the speaker wiring.
✔ The speakers are not wired correctly.27
☞ Reconnect the speaker wires so that each output terminal is
connected to a different speaker.
Troubleshooting Guide
KDC-M907 _U.S 04.2.4 4:17 PM Page 44