Kenwood Media Application
Displayed Massages and actions to be taken against them
An attempt is made to transfer audio data with copy inhibi-
tion information.
Copyrighted audio data should be transferred using the
Windows Media Player.
An attempt is made to transfer audio data with a sampling
frequency and/or bit rate incompatible with the player.
An attempt is made to transfer a WMA format audio data
with content protection.
An attempt is made to transfer a MP3, WMA or WAV file
with an incompatible format.
The USB connection is disconnected or the Player is turned
off in the middle of transfer.
An attempt is made to edit the music information of an audio
data item in the PC while the data is being reference or played
with another piece of software. Exit from the software used in
playback and retry the music information editing.
An attempt is made to create a playlist beyond the maxi-
mum registration limit (999 playlists).
An attempt is made to register a file beyond the maximum
limit of files in a playlist (999 files).
Displayed Message Meaning
The audio data specified "
" cannot be for-
(This audio data is copy protected. ) (Dupli-
cation of this audio data is prohibited)
The audio data specified "
" cannot be
(The sampling frequency and bit rate are not
The audio data specified "
" cannot be for-
(Do not correspond to data because contents is
The specified folder path and file name cannot
be transferred.
(The format does not correspond)
or transfer of
was not accom-
An error occurred while copying or transferring
data to PD
The renewal of the library has failed. There is a
possibility that a part of data has not been cor-
rectly updated. Please renew the library.
The number of registered playlists has exceeded
the maximum.
The number of registrations in the playlists has
exceeded the maximum.