DVR-505/DVR-7000 (EN)
÷The DVD disc being played does not contain
the recording of more than one angle.
÷You are attempting to switch the angle in a
DVD section where more than one angle is
not recorded.
÷Some discs can not be played in all regions
even when [ALL] is displayed.
÷A viewing restriction (Parental level) has
been set for the disc.
÷You have forgotten the viewing restriction
(Parental) password.
÷The DVD disc being played does not contain
the recording of the selected voice or sub-
title language.
÷The function for displaying message on the
TV screen is set to off.
÷The menu language function (MENU) is not
÷The operation is inhibited. Please try an-
other operation.
The inhibition icon is dis-
played and remote control is
not possible.
÷Playback is restricted intentionally by the
software producer.
DVD / CD player unit
÷The viewing angle cannot be changed when
the DVD disc being played does not contain
the recording of more than one angle.
÷More than one viewing angle may be re-
corded only in limited sections in a disc.
÷Play a different disc.
÷Check the viewing restriction level (Paren-
tal level) setting.
÷Set the initial setup to the factory setup with
the following procedure.
With no disc in the unit, press the PLAY/
PAUSE (6)key. After "NO DISC" is dis-
played, pressress the DVD CD key, cursor
3 key, 2 key, ∞ key, 5 key on the remote
and 4 key on the main unit in this order.
Press the POWER switch to OFF and press
the POWER switch again to ON.
÷Use a DVD disc containing the recording of
the selected voice or subtitle language.
÷Set On-screen function to on.
÷Set the disc menu language function (MENU)
as required.
The viewing angle cannot be changed.
A disc can not be played although the
region code is displayed as [ALL].
Playback will not start even after a
title is selected.
The viewing restriction level (RAT-
ING) cannot be changed.
The voice or subtitle language selected
in the initial setting is not played.
No message appears on the TV screen
after a key is pressed.
Menu screen messages are not shown
in the desired language.
Symptom Cause Remedy
Inhibition icon
It is prohibited by laws to duplicate, broadcast, perform in public or
rent a disc without the permission of the copyright owners.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is pro-
tected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellec-
tual property right owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights
owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be author-
ized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other
limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision
Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.