
AI296 Version 9.8x User’s Guide
System Configuration: TID to Modem Mux Configuration
This example displays Init String set to conn23.
Port Bit Settings
There are three menu items available for configuring TID to Modem Mux port bits:
z Port Data Bits—Defines the number of databits in a data byte.
z Port Stop Bits—Defines the number of stop bits for TID to Modem Mux. A stop bit
is an extra bit at the end of an asynchronous character that helps the receiver
recognize the end of the character.
z Port Parity—Defines parity, which is a process for detecting whether or not bits of
data have been altered during data transmission.
Menu Item Types
Toggle for all menu items
Configuration in the AI198 Menu System
1. Access Menu 4.2.14-2.6.
2. From Menu 4.2.14-2.6, enter a value from
2 to 11. Menu 4.2.14-2.6.1 appears.
3. For
02*Port Data Bits, enter 2, to select 7 or 8. The default is 8.
4. For
03*Port Stop Bits, enter 3, to select 1 or 2. The default is 1.
5. For
04*Port Parity, enter 4, to select None, Even, or Odd. The default is None.
This example displays:
z 02*Port Data Bits set to 7
z 03*Port Stop Bits set to 1
z 04*Port Parity set to Even.
TID To Modem Mux Edit Menu
TID to route . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....................
Port Data Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Seven [Eight]
Port Stop Bits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [One] Two
Port Parity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [None] Even Odd
Init String . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................ conn23
Menu 4.2.14-2.6.1
01 TID to route--------------------------------------------
02*Port Data Bits (7, 8)------------------------------------------------------7
03*Port Stop Bits (1, 2)------------------------------------------------------1
04*Port Parity (None, Even, Odd)-------------------------------------------Even