
IIff tthhee bbiitt bbeeccoommeess jjaammmmeedd iinn tthhee wwoorrkkppiieeccee,, ttuurrnn tthhee ttooooll ooffff aatt tthhee sswwiittcchh..
Once all moving parts have come to a stop, unplug the tool and work the bit
NNeevveerr llaayy tthhee ttooooll ddo
owwnn uunnttiill tthhee mmoottoorr hhaass ccoommee ttoo aa ccoommpplleettee ssttaannddssttiillll..
running tool should not be left unattended.
NNeevveerr ttoouucchh tthhee ccoolllleett oorr bbiitt iimmmmeeddiiaatteellyy aaf
ftteerr uussee..
TToo pprreevveenntt sshhoorrtt cciirrccuuiittss,, cclleeaann tthhee ttooooll''ss vveennttss rreegguullaarrllyy wwiitthh ccoommpprreesssseedd aaiirr..
DDoo nnoott aallt
teerr oorr mmiissuussee ttooooll..
TThhiiss ddrriillll iiss nnoott aa ddeennttaall ttooooll..
Do not use on the teeth of animals or humans.
Some of the following symbols may be used on your tool. Please
study them and learn their meaning. Proper interpretation of these symbols will
allow you to operate the tool better and safer.
V Volts Voltage (Potential)
A Amperes Current
Hz Hertz Frequency (Cycles per Second)
W Watt Power
Kg Kilograms Weight
Alternating Current Type of Current
Direct Current Type of Current
Alternating or Direct Current Type of Current
Earthing Terminal Grounding Terminal
Class II Construction Denotes Double Insulation
min Minutes Time
s Seconds Time
Diameter Size of Drill Bits,
Grinding Wheels, etc.
No load speed No-load Rotational Speed
.../min Revolutions per Minute Revolutions, Surface Speed,
Strokes, etc. per Minute
1,2,3, … Ring Selector Settings Speed, Torque or Position Settings
AAllwwaayyss uunnpplluugg tthhee ppoowweerr ccoorrdd bbeeffoorree mmaakkiinngg aannyy aaddjjuussttmmeennttss oorr aattttaacchhiinngg
BBee ccaarreeffuull nnoott
ttoo aacccciiddeennttaallllyy ttrriipp tthhee ppoowweerr sswwiittcchh wwhheenn sseettttiinngg tthhee ttooooll
ddoowwnn oorr ppiicckkiinngg tthhee ttooooll uupp..
AAllwwaayyss hhoolld
d tthhee ttooooll bbyy iittss iinnssuullaatteedd ggrriippppiinngg ssuurrffaacceess wwhheenn ccuuttttiinngg iinn aarreeaass
tthhaatt mmaayy ccoonnttaaiinn hhiiddddeenn lliivvee wwiirri
If the bit makes contact with a live wire,
the metal parts of this tool may conduct enough electricity to seriously shock
the user.
Contact with a “live” wire will make exposed metal parts of the tool “live”
and shock the operator. Do not cut or break into existing walls or other blind areas
where electrical wiring may exist. If this situation is unavoidable, disconnect all fuses
or circuit breakers feeding this worksite.
CChheecckk ttoo sseeee tthhaatt kkeeyyss aanndd aaddjjuussttiinngg wwrreenncchheess aarree rreemmoovveedd ffrroomm tthhee RRoottaarryy
TTooooll bbeeffoorree sswwiittcchhiinngg tthhee t
tooooll OONN..
Keys or wrenches can fly away at high
velocity striking you or a bystander.
DDoo nnoott uussee tthhee RRoottaarryy TTooooll iiff iitt hhaass bbeeeenn ddaammaaggeedd,, lleefftt oouuttddoooorrss iinn tthhee rraaiinn,,
ssnnooww,, wweett
oorr ddaammpp eennvviirroonnmmeennttss,, oorr iimmmmeerrsseedd iinn lliiqquuiidd..
CChheecckk tthhee ssppeeeedd rraattiinngg oonn aallll aacccceessssoorriieess..
Accessories must never be run at
a higher speed than they were designed to handle.
WWhheenn uussiinngg wwiirree oorr bbrriissttllee bbrruusshheess,, aallwwaayyss wweeaarr pprrootteeccttiivvee gglloovveess aanndd aa
ffaaccee sshhiieelldd..
These brushes should never be run at speeds greater than 15,000
AAllwwaayyss rruunn bbrruusshheess aatt o
oppeerraattiinngg ssppeeeedd ffoorr aa mmiinnuuttee bbeeffoorree uussiinngg ttoo eejjeecctt
lloooossee wwiirreess aanndd bbrriissttlleess..
Be sure that the discharge is pointed away from you.
Make sure no one is standing in front or in line with the brush.
DDoo nnoott aappppllyy hheeaavvyy pprre
essssuurree ttoo wwiirree oorr bbrriissttllee bbrruusshheess..
This will only cause
damage and/or personal injury. Brushes work best when applied lightly.
DDoo nnoott uussee aa wwhheeeell tthhaatt mmaayy bbee ddaammaaggeedd..
If the tool or wheel is dropped,
install a new wheel before continuing. Avoid bouncing and snagging the wheel
as this may lead to cracking or chipping.
DDoo nnoott ssaanndd oorr ggrriinndd n
neeaarr ffllaammmmaabbllee mmaatteerriiaallss..
HHaannddllee sshhaarrpp bbiittss wwiitthh ccaarree..
NNeevveerr ppllaaccee hhaannddss nneeaarr tthhee ssppiinnnniinngg bbiitt..
r ssttaarrtt tthhee ttooooll wwhhiillee bbiitt iiss eennggaaggeedd iinn tthhee mmaatteerriiaall..
AAllwwaayyss ffeeeedd tthhee bbiitt iinnttoo tthhee mmaatteerriiaall iinn tthhee s
saammee ddiirreeccttiioonn tthhaatt tthhee cchhiippss aarree