Piston, Piston Pin, Connecting Rod Wear Inspection
Visually inspect the snap ring [A] still fitted in place.
If the ring shows weakness or deformation, replace the
ring. Also if the pin hole groove shows excessive wear,
replace the piston.
Measure the diameter of the piston pin [B] w ith a microm-
If the piston pin diameter is less than the service limit at
any point, replace the piston pin.
Using a cylinder gauge, measure the diameter of both of
piston pin holes [C] in the piston and the inside diameter
of the connecting rod small end.
If either piston pin hole diameter exceeds the service limit,
replace the piston.
If the connecting rod small end inside diameter exceeds
the service limit, replace the crankshaft assembly.
Check the needle bearing [D].
The rollers in a needle bearing normally wear very little,
and wear is difficult to measure. Instead of measuring, in-
spect the bearing for abrasion, color change, other dam-
If there is any doubt as to the condition of a needle bear-
ing, replace the bearing and piston pin.
Piston Pin Diameter
11.995 ∼12.000 mm
Service Limit:
11.96 mm
Piston Pin Hole Diameter
12.001 ∼ 12.011 mm
Service Limit:
12.08 mm
Small End Inside Diameter
Standard: 16.00 2 ∼ 16.013 mm
Service Limit: 16.05 mm