Governor Mechanism
Governor Operating Mechanism
Connected to the throttle lever on the carburetor via a link rod, the
governor operates automatically in accordance with load fluctuations in
order to maintain a constant engine speed.
The governor relies on centrifugal force for its operation. When the
engine speed increases, the governor weight (which is attached to the
governor gear that is meshed to the crankshaft gear) opens outward
by centrifugal force. This movement pushes the sleeve outward, which
moves the governor lever in the direction to close the throttle valve.
Conversely, when the engine speed decreases, the governor lever
moves in the direction to open the throttle valve.
Ordinarily, fluctuations in the load that is applied to the engine
also cause the engine speed to fluctuate. When the load decreases
suddenly, the engine speed increases momentarily, but because the
governor weight moves the throttle valve in the closing direction, the
engine speed is kept constant. When the load increases suddenly, the
engine speed decreases momentarily, but because the governor arm
is retracted by the governor spring, the throttle moves in the opening
direction to keep the engine speed constant.
A: Throttle Lever
B: Carburetor
C: Governor Weight
D: Sleeve
E: Camshaft
F: Crankshaft
G: Governor Shaft
H: Governor Arm
I: Throttle Valve
J: Link Rod
K: Governor Spring