Keep bystanders, children, and visitors at a safe distance from the Miter Saw
while it is in operation. Distractions can cause inadvertent misuse
resulting in possible injury to the bystanders or to the operator.
Wear proper apparel. Do not wear loose clothing, gloves, neckties, rings,
bracelets, or other apparel that could possibly become caught in the moving
parts of the Miter Saw. When working in a shop environment around power
tools, wear nonslip footwear. Use protective hair covering to contain long hair.
Keep the work area clean at all times. Cluttered areas around the Miter Saw
can cause unexpected accidents if the debris comes in contact with the moving
parts of the Miter Saw.
Maintain a proper work environment. Do not operate the Miter Saw in damp
or wet locations or expose it to rain. Water can cause the electrical
components to malfunction resulting in damage to the Miter Saw and/or
serious injury or death to the operator.
Don’t force the tool. The Miter Saw will do a better job and be safer if cutting
operations are performed at the proper speeds as expressed in this manual.
Wear all necessary protective gear, including goggles, ear plugs and a dust
Keep hands out of the path of the saw blade.
DO NOT operate saw without guards in place.
Do not stand directly in front of the Miter Saw. Loose fragments could fly off
at high speeds possibly causing injury.
Properly support extra-long or extra-wide workpieces. Workpieces that are
too long or too wide can tip and cause the blade to seize resulting in a sudden
kickback motion resulting in damage to the workpiece and Miter Saw as well as
possible severe injury to the operator.
Do not perform any operation freehand. The workpiece must be tight against the
fence to prevent the piece from moving while it is being cut. Keep the area between
the saw and the workpiece free of debris. Clamp the workpiece if necessary.
NEVER reach around the blade.
Turn tool off and wait for saw blade to stop before moving workpiece or
changing settings.
Use 10" blades only. NEVER use blades above or below the rated blade diam-
eter. NEVER use blades recommended for operation at less than 4800 RPM.
7 8
TTooooll sseerrvviiccee mmuusstt bbee ppeerrffoorrmmeedd oonnllyy bbyy qquuaalliiffiieedd rreeppaaiirr ppeerrssoonnnneell..
Service or
maintenance by unqualified personnel may result in a risk of injury.
WWhheenn sseerrvviicciinngg aa ttooooll,, uussee oonnllyy
iiddeennttiiccaall rreeppllaacceemmeenntt ppaarrttss.. FFoollllooww iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss
iinn tthhee MMaaiinntteennaannccee sseeccttiioonn ooff tthhiiss mmaannuuaall..
Use of unauthorized parts or failure to
follow Maintenance Instructions may create a risk of electric shock or injury..
HHoolldd ttooooll bbyy iinnssuullaatteedd ggrriippppiinngg ssuurrffaacceess wwhheenn ppeerrffoorrmm--
iinngg aann ooppeerraattiioonn wwhheerree tthhee ccuuttttiinngg ttooooll mmaayy cco
onnttaacctt hhiiddddeenn wwiirriinngg oorr iittss oowwnn
Contact with a “live” wire will also make exposed metal parts of the tool
“live” and shock the operator.
Avoid prolonged contact with dust created by the Miter Saw. Allowing the
dust to get into your mouth, eyes, or lay on your skin promotes the absorption
of harmful chemicals into your body.
Read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed in
this manual may result in property damage, damage to the tool, or serious per-
sonal injury or even death.
Unpack the Miter Saw completely from its carton. Inspect the saw and acces-
sories and ensure they are free from defects or breakage due to shipping.
Do not operate this Miter Saw until it is completely assembled according to
the instructions in this manual. Failure to adhere to these instructions could
result in serious and/or permanent injury to the operator.
Make sure approved eye protection is being worn and properly adjusted and
secured at all times the Miter Saw is in use. Everyday eyeglasses only have
impact-resistant lenses and ARE NOT safety glasses. Safety glasses must
conform to ANSI Z87.1 requirements. Approved safety glasses and goggles will
have Z87 printed or stamped on them.
Follow all wiring codes. Use only properly grounded three-hole grounded
receptacles. DO NOT cut the third prong off the power cord. When using an
extension cord, use only UL Listed extension cords with minimum 16 AWG
wiring and a maximum length of 25 feet.