
The saw blade can be inserted
directly into a wood surface with-
out first drilling a pilot hole thus
eliminating the drilling operation.
First measure and clearly mark
the surface to be cut. Then tip the
saw forward so that the Rounded
tips of the shoe rest on the work
surface, but with the blade well
clear of it. Switch on and move
the saw in its tilted position until
the moving blade is exactly over
the chosen point of entry. Lower
the rear of the shoe to the shoe
tips with the blade exactly on the
line. Do not move the saw forward along its cut until the saw blade has
completely entered the material and the shoe comes to rest flat on the surface.
Alternatively, drill a 12mm hole to start an enclosed pocket cut.
CCLLEEAANNIINNGG:: TToo aavvooiidd aacccciiddeennttss,, bbee ssuurree ttoo ddiissccoonnnneecctt tthhee
ttooooll ffrroomm tthhee eelleeccttrriiccaall ppoowweerr ssoouurrccee bbeeffoorree
aannyy cclleeaanniinngg oorr mmaaiinntteennaannccee..
The tool can be cleaned by using compressed dry air. If compressed air is not
available, a soft natural bristle paint brush will work. Always wear safety gog-
gles when cleaning tools with compressed air.
AAvvooiidd uussiinngg cceerrttaaiinn cclleeaanniinngg aaggeennttss aanndd ssoollvveennttss..
Chemicals like gasoline, carbon tetrachloride, acetone, paint thinner or ammo-
nia products can damage the plastic parts of the tool.
This power tool normally requires no maintenance, however, lubricating the guide
roller from time to time with a drop of oil will extend the life of the roller.
When the brush is worn to a certain length, the tool may stop.
When this state is reached, both brushed should be changed.
To guarantee the safety and the dependability of the product, repairing or changing
the brushes or other maintenance should be carried out by qualified service person.
Align your blade with your cutting line. In order to improve dust extraction from the
working surface, the saw has a sawdust blowing system, which clears dust from the
cutting line. In addition, a vacuum cleaner adapter can be used to connect to an
ordinary household vacuum cleaner. The adapter is fitted into the outlet at the rear
of the jig saw. The vacuum extraction system will work most effectively when the
safety guard is in the down position.
Place the finish side of the workpiece down and clamp it to a workbench or table.
Draw cutting lines on the back side. Place the front edge of the saw baseplate on
the workpiece and line up the blade with the line to be cut. Press the jigsaw down
firmly on the workpiece and cut slowly along the guidelines. Build up cutting speed
as you progress. If you want to leave room for finish sanding, cut slightly to the out-
side of the drawn guidelines.
DDoo nnoott ffoorrccee tthhee jjiiggssaaww iinnttoo tthhee wwoorrkkppiieeccee..
This could
cause the blade teeth to wear down with-out cutting or even cause the blade to
break causing damage to the jigsaw or injury to the operator. Let the saw reach
full speed before engaging the workpiece.