Example of user-defi ned recording:
Example of series recording:
Note: If every episode of a series is programmed to be recorded using the “Series recording”
function, the EPG locates the series in question in the updated schedules and automatically
programmes recording of them. A change in the time the series is broadcast is no problem
for the EPG, as its programming is based on the series title. This does, however, mean
that the schedule change needs to have been notifi ed prior to the last update of the EPG.
If two timers are set for encrypted channels, both with decoding set to “On”, and
the recording times overlap, the fi rst timer will record decoded and the second timer
will record encrypted. The unit cannot make two decoded recordings at the same
time (the fi rst programme will be recorded decoded and the second programme
will be recorded encrypted). If two timers are set for encrypted channels, both with
decoding set to “On”, and the recoding times do not overlap, both timers will record
decoded. Whilst making a decoded recording, the only channels that can be viewed
are other channels from that same transponder. The last decoding option selected
remains in effect until changed.