• To ensure secure adhesion, the height difference of the roof curve
may not be more than 1 cm over a length of 2 m, as otherwise the
gap between the roof and the mounting plate would be too big to be
fi lled by the sealing glue.
• As the vehicle is constantly subjected to vibration loads during
travel, the roof below the antenna unit is also subject to signifi cant
loads. Please note given the nature and capacity of your vehicle roof
(see also operating manual for the vehicle) that the weight of the
antenna unit is approx. 14.5 kg. In case of doubt, consult a qualifi ed
dealer or your vehicle’s manufacturer.
• The roof duct provides a waterproof channel to feed the three
connecting cables (antenna, control unit and power supply cables)
into the interior of the vehicle directly underneath the turntable. If you
prefer a different method of laying the cables, they can be run out
of the rear of the turntable via the channel provided in the mounting
plate. The cables must then be run along the roof of the vehicle in a
protected cable duct (not supplied).
Note: The cables may not be cut, as otherwise the proper functioning of
the unit can no longer be guaranteed.
Installation and connection