
Using the Temperature Control Settings
Low Setting
The Low setting gently simmers food
for an extended period of time
without overcooking or burning.
Generally no stirring is required when
using this setting.
High Setting
The High setting is used when cooking
dried beans or pulses and will cook
food in half the time required for the
Low Setting. Some foods may boil
when cooked on the High Setting,
so it may be necessary to add extra
liquid. This will depend on the recipe
and the amount of time in which it is
cooked. Occasional stirring of stews
and casseroles will improve the
flavour distribution.
Auto Setting
The Auto setting will first cook on a
high temperature for a period of
time to bring the food quickly to the
desirable temperature, then reduce
automatically to low temperature for
the completion of cooking. This setting
is ideal for slow cooking meals.