
900 MHz RTK—Base Station Setup
Continued onnext page JS56696,00007FF -19-15APR10-2/3
Receiver—On Base Station
The base station is the most critical part of an RTK system.
During installation, care must be taken to ensure the base
has problem-free operation. There are two issues that
are responsible for most problems with a base station:
Shading and Multipathing. If a base station experiences
one of these problems, it could be detrimental to your
RTK operation. Although it may not be possible to locate
a base station in an ideal location, this guide is aimed at
helping to dene the best option available.
Base station operating mode can be either Absolute
Survey Base Mode or Quick survey Base Mode. Refer to
“Operating Mode—RTK” in “StarFire 3000” Section for
setup of the receiver on base station.
Refer to “Base Station Operation and Setup” in “StarFire
3000” Section for proper use and setup of the base station.
PC12108 —UN—03JUN09