Operator’s Manual 25
Note: If shipping, transport companies require fuel tanks
to be empty.
1. Drain fuel tank.
Note: Some models have drain plug on underside of fuel
tank. If so, remove drain plug to drain all fuel. If
space heater does not have drain plug, drain fuel
through fuel cap opening. Be sure all fuel is
2. Replace drain plug if provided.
3. If any debris is noted in old fuel, add 1 or 2 quarts
of clean kerosene to tank, stir, and drain again. This
will prevent excess debris from clogging filters during
future use.
4. Replace fuel cap or drain plug. Properly dispose of
old and dirty fuel. Check with local automotive service
stations that recycle oil.
If storing, store space heater in dry place. Make sure
storage place is free of dust and corrosive fumes.
IMPORTANT: Do not store kerosene over summer
months for use during next heating season. Using old
fuel could damage space heater.