With no need to disconnect linkages, hydraulics, or wiring,
the operator station tilts in only minutes. For wide-open
access to drivetrain and hydraulic components.
Remote drive-system test ports and available fl uid-
sample ports simplify preventive maintenance and
troubleshooting for increased uptime.
Perforated hood and side screens act as a “fi rst fi lter,”
preventing entry of most debris. Side-by-side wide-fi n
radiator and charge-air cooler resist plugging.
Smooth idler-to-sprocket
covers shed material, and
wide space between the track
frames and mainframe further
eases clean-out.
Environmental drains on
fl uid compartments help make
changes easier and less messy.
Five-hundred-hour engine oil
and 2,000-hour transmission
and hydraulic fl uid intervals de-
crease downtime and expense.
Advanced diagnostic monitor
provides easy-to-understand
messages, for quick trouble-
shooting without special tools.
Large hinged doors provide
ample access for daily checks
and periodic maintenance.
Daily checks are limited to
hydraulic oil and engine oil
and coolant levels.
Essential maintenance items
such as engine coolant,
fuel pre-cleaner and fi nal
fuel fi lter, engine oil fi lters,
hydrostatic oil fi lter, air fi lter,
and dipsticks are grouped on
the right side for time-saving
10 DKA9501050J Page 11
Vertis QCA
1300 19th Street, Suite 200
East Moline, IL 61244
Yellow Black