Installat o
If you are installing your new refrigerator yourself, please follow these helpful suggestions.
1. Remove base skids and reinsert two front levelers. Discard two rear levelers.
2. Remove all exterior and interior tape carefully and retain old tape. Make a small pad
of this tape to pick off any remaining tape residues. This will eliminate the need to
use dangerous solvents of any kind.
3. Remove and discard cantilever shelf ll,,i,,lll_ll I
packing clips located just above
each shelf where it hooks onto the
frame. To remove red plastic clip,
wiggle sideways and pull straight
4. Select a location for your new refrigerator away from any heat sources. Allow a free
flow of air through the front base grille.
5. Your model should not be installed where the room temperature will go below 55OF.
because it will not run frequently enough to maintain proper temperature in the freezer.
Important Leveling Information
To enhance its appearance, maintain effi-
cient performance, and for proper function
of the ice maker, your refrigerator should
be level. Using a carpenter's level, check I TURNCLOCKWISETO
your refrigerator to make sure it is level front __ _ _I_I_ER
to back and side to side. The front wheels
were adjusted at the factory so the doors
were properly aligned and the cabinet lev-
el. However, jarring in transit, or standing
the refrigerator on an uneven floor may
cause the doors to shift out of alignment. URNCOUNTER-CLOCKWISE
If door alignment or leveling is necessary,
remove the base grille and adjust the
wheels with a screwdriver as shown (right).
To lock the cabinet in place, turn down one or both leveler feet, located near the front
wheels. Rear leveler feet are not required.