• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Full One Year Warranty - Parts and Labor
For one (1) year fromthe originalretailpurchasedate,anypartwhich failsin normalhome use will berepairedor replacedfree of charge.
Limited Warranties - Parts Only
SecondYear- Afterthe firstyearfromtheoriginalpurchasedate,partswhichfail innormalhomeusewill be repairedorreplacedfree of charge
forthepartitself,withthe ownerpayingall othercosts, includinglabor,mileageandtransportation.
Third Through FifthYear- Fromthe originalpurchasedate,partslisted belowwhich failin normalhome usewillbe repairedor replacedfree
of chargefor the part itself, with the owner payingall othercosts, includinglabor, mileage and transportation.
• Electronic Controls
• Electric Heating Elements: surface, broil and bake elementson electric cooking appliances.
Canadian Residents
The abovewarrantiesonlycover anappliance installed in Canadathathas been certifiedor listed by appropriatetest agenciesfor compliance to
a NationalStandardof Canada unless the appliancewas brought into Canada due to transfer of residencefrom the United Statesto Canada.
Limited Warranty Outside the United States and Canada - Parts Only
For two(2) yearsfrom the dateof originalretail purchase,anypart which fails in normalhome use willbe repaired orreplaced free ofcharge for
the partitself, with the owner paying all other costs, includinglabor, mileage and transportation.
Thespecific warrantiesexpressedaboveare theONLY warrantiesprovidedbythe manufacturer Thesewarrantiesgive you specific legalrights,
and you mayalso haveother rights which varyfrom state to state.
What is Not CoveredBy These Warranties:
l. Conditions and damages resulting from any of the following: 4. Products purchased for commercial or industrial use.
a. Improper installation, delivery, or maintenance.
b.Any repair, modification, alteration, or adjustment not au- 5. The cost of service or service call to:
thorized by the manufacturer or an authorized a. Correct installation errors.
servicer, b.Instruct the user on the proper use of the product.
e. Misuse, abuse, accidents, or unreasonable use. c. Transport the appliance to the servicer.
d.Incorrect electric current, voltage, or supply.
e. Improper setting of any control. 6. Consequential or incidental damages sustained by any pers_
as a result of any breach of these warranties.
2. Warranties are void if the original serial numbers have been
removed, altered, or cannot be readily determined. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of con
quential or incidental damages, so the above exclusion rr
3. Light bulbs, not apply.
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PrintedinU.S.A, PartNo.81t2P180_60 A/1