
How to change color panels
If you are redecorating, you can Note: Other color panels are
change your dishwasher's front available for your dishwasher.
panel to match or blend with your Check the color you want on the
new colors, order form below and mail it to us.
The panel is held in place by the Wood panel trim kit GPF 40
door trim and the trim on the contains trim and instructions for
panel below the door. Each side adding a decorative wood door
of each panel is a different color panel and lower access panel to
or you can paint a panel with the match kitchen cabinets. Use the
color of your own choice, order form below to order this kit.
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How to change the door panel:
1. Takeout three trim screws on
either side of the dishwasher door. Use this form to order, without charge, your choice of a
Remove the side trim.
color panel not supplied with your dishwasher or a wood
2. Slide the door panel out.
(Careful--edges may be sharp.) panel trim kit.
3. Turn the door panel around and Please mark only one box.
put the color you want in front.
4. Replace the door panel, side D White/Almond [] Harvest/Black
trim and screws. Door and Access Panel GPF 24 Door and Access Panel GPF 26
How to change the lower panel: _= Q="'
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1. Remove four panel attachment 5 F] Kit GPF 40 S
screws. (Two above the panel, two o WoodPanelTrimKit o
below the panel.)
2. Remove the entire panel. FOLDHERE
3. Take out three screws and
remove the top trim.
4. Slide the lower panel out.
5. Turn the panel around and put Name:
the color you want in front.
6. Replace the lower panel, top Address:
trim and screws.
7. Replace the entire panel and City:
four attachment screws.
State: Zip Code:
Do not operate the dishwasher
while changing panel or when Model No.: Serial No.-
lower access panel is removed.
Date Purchased: