Spitroastingisanexcitingwayto preparemeatand foodsthat needverylittleattention
whiletheyare cooking.
The followingare guidelinesfor usingthe rotisserie:
• Themeat mustbewell balancedandcenteredonthespit. Spearmeat, thenseoure
itwith thetwo meat holders. Checkthe balanceby holdingthe spitacrossyour
palms. (See page5, Fig.H). If the spitand meat donotrotateeasilyandevenly,
removethemeat holdersand meat on spitandtry again.
• Poultryshouldbetrussedwiththelegsandwingsheldclosetothebody(nottucked
behindas onewouldusuallydoforovenroasting).Tie the birdatintervalstomake
sureit staysina compactbundle.
• Rolled roastsand other large pieces of bonelessmeat shouldbe tied firmly at
intervalswithheavy string.
• Don'tcrowdthe spit.There shouldbea few inchesfree at each endto allowroom
forthe meatholdersand alsobecausethe heatingelementdoesnotrunthe entire
lengthofthe spit.
• The mostaccuratewayto determinewhenthemeatis cookedas desiredisto use
a meatthermometer. Turn offheat and the rotisseriemotor;insertthermometer
intothe thickestpart ofthe meat. Be certafnthatthe thermometerbulb does not
touchbone,fat,or the spititself.
• Sincethe meatwillcontinuetocookafterit has been removedfromthe heat, itis
advisableto take meatthat isto be served rareor mediumoffthe rotisseriewhen
the meat thermometerregisters5 degreesbelowthe temperaturespecified.
• Letthe meat stand10 to 15 minutesbeforecarving. Meat will beeasier to carve
andlessjuiceswill be lost ifmeat isalrowedto rest beforebeingcarved.
• Forbestresults,buytop grademeat. There are manymeat marinadeswhichwilt
helptenderizelass expensivecutsof meat.
• To helpretainmeat juices,salt after cookingiscompleted.
• Differencesinvoltageindifferentareasmay affectthetime neededto roastmeat.