hardware components, systems or software they intend to use
Proof of purchase will be required before any consideration by
Manufacturer occurs.
This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is
protected by U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights. Use of
this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision,
and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless
otherwise authorized by Macrovision. Reverse engineering or
disassembly is prohibited.
All Trademarks and Registered Trademarks belong to respective
©2008 Jaton Corporation. All rights reserved.
Other Limits
The forgoing is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or
implied. Including but not limited to the implied warranties
of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.
Manufacturer does not warrant against damages or defects
arising out of improper or abnormal use of handling of the
products; against defects or damages arising from improper
installation (where installation is by persons other than
Manufacturer), against defects in products or components not
manufactured or installed by Manufacturer, or against damages
result from non-manufacturer made products or components.
This warranty does not apply if accident, abuse, nor misuse has
damaged the Product. This warranty also does not apply to
products upon which repairs have been affected or attempted by