Know what each call is asking of you; determine whether or not the extent of service can be han-
dled with a simple phone call or if it requires a visit.
Determine whether the call is warranty or non warranty. Make sure the customer is aware that the
manufacturer will not cover out-of-warranty service.
If you plan to charge the customer for travel expenses, make sure that they are aware of the costs
before you show up.
Make sure all of your testing devices are functioning properly and extra batteries are on hand.
Always bring a meter; when calling technical support, please ensure that you have all of the
pertinent information, such as the spa’s serial number, model number, the system you are
working on, etc.
Prepare your route so you may complete the maximum number of service calls each day.
A map book or a large map of your service area will greatly increase your ef ciency.
Bring all the tools needed to properly perform service calls.
Always have your vehicle properly stocked with replacement parts.
Have a sump pump available for draining purposes; emptying a spa from the drain line takes a lot
of your time, which we know is extremely valuable.
Properly prepare for the day’s service calls.
When reviewing your calls, think of every possible component and tool that you may need. For
example, if there is a heating problem or the heater doesn’t come on, think of all the components
that include anything to do with a heat call, such as the temperature sensor, circulation pump, main
pump, ow or pressure switch, lter, circuit board, heater, etc.
Prepare for the worst possible scenario and plan to be able to satisfy the subsequent problems
that may arise.
Dress appropriately. Although this is one job where shorts are acceptable, to maintain your cred-
ibility as a professional, leave the half shirts and shirts with derogatory or obscene comments at
Finish your cigarette before speaking with the spa owner and remember - no drugs or alcohol!
Be on time for your appointments. If you are going to be late or can’t make the appointment, call
the customer to inform them of what’s happening.
Call your of ce and ask them to call the people on your schedule to tell them you are running
Always support the product that you service.
Do not berate the product in front of the homeowner. It is essential to maintain the integrity
and reputation of the product, and berating the product may affect your credibility as an authorized
service professional.
If you feel there is a problem that needs special attention, call us or complete a quality alert. Re-
member, this is a partnership between you and the manufacturer - we want to provide the best
quality product possible, with your business providing the best service possible!
1.5 Preparing For A Service Call