Appendix A: Jabra A335w Settings in the Control Center
The Settings Tab for Jabra A335w
Jabra PC Suite User’s Guide 31
• Close: Discards any new settings you have made and closes the Jabra Control
Center window. This is the same as clicking on the close button in the upper-
right corner of the window.
• Apply: Applies any changes you made to settings in the Control Center and
keeps the Control Center open. This button is grayed out when there are no
new settings to apply.
The Settings Tab for Jabra A335w
Figure 11: The Settings tab for the JabraA335w Bluetooth dongle in Jabra Control Center
When you have selected a Jabra A335w dongle in the Control Center, the
following controls are provided by the Settings tab in the right-hand column of
the window:
• Send button events on Jabra softphone interface: This box controls which type
of USB events to send to the PC when you initiate a call with the multi-
function on your headset. Mark this box to send proprietary events understood
by Jabra softphone interfaces (Skype or Cisco IP Communicator). Clear this
box to send standard events understood by e.g. Microsoft Office
• Use softphone’s ring tone: This box controls which type of ringtone you will
hear when somebody calls you over a softphone. Mark this box to hear the
ringtone generated by your softphone. Clear this box to use the ringtone
generated by your Jabra headset.
• Open audio link: Click on this button to open an audio link from the dongle to
your headset. All Windows sounds will then be audible in the headset. Use this
if you would like to listen to music or other audio when you are not in a call.
• Close audio link: Click on this button to close the audio link described above.
The link will still be opened automatically whenever you make or receive a
call using a softphone and then closed again when you hang up.