
and 2” (DIN 40 & 50) sizes require four
(4) threaded rod guides in the lower
cover prior to assembly. Position the
actuator sub-assembly, including
spring(s) and top cover, over the spacer
(i.e., the compressor rests on the spac-
er). Drop the stem guide through cen-
ter of the fixture handwheel, actuator
top cover, and locate in the actuator
indicator. Position the upper actuator
cover so the 1/8” NPT inlets in the
upper and lower covers are in line and
the rod guides slide through the clear-
ance holes. Turn the handwheel clock-
wise to compress the spring(s) until
the covers almost touch. Remove the
four(4) threaded rod guides. Start the
cover bolts and then continue to com-
press the spring(s) until the covers
touch. Place remaining washers and
bolts in top cover and tighten bolts to
torques shown in Table 1.
3.7.3 Actuator Diaphragm or Spring Replacement
(3” & 4” Series 47, DIN 80 & 100)
If present, the switch package must be removed.
Disconnect air lines. It is best to
remove the bonnet bolts, lift actuator
assembly from the valve body and
move the unit to a bench. Remove
clear plastic cap, travel stop nuts,
roller-bearing and races. Turn adjusting bushing clockwise until
contact is made with spring package,
record the number of turns. Remove
actuator bolts and nuts, lift off top
cover. Unscrew spring package from
valve spindle by turning counterclock-
wise. Remove spindle nut, diaphragm top
plate and actuator diaphragm. Install new diaphragm, top hat up.
Reassembly is the reverse of the above,
use Blue Loctite #242 on the spindle
nut. If the original spring package is
used, turn the adjusting bushing coun-
terclockwise the number of turns
recorded in only after assem-
bling the top cover and fasteners.
Should replacement of the spring
package be required, simply thread the
new spring package onto the valve
spindle. A gap may exist between the
covers until properly bolted together
using a crisscross pattern. See Table 1
for fastener torques.
(3” & 4” Series 33, DIN 80 & 100) air lines. It is best to
remove the bonnet bolts, lift actuator
assembly from the valve body and
move the unit to a bench. Remove
actuator bolts and remove top cover. Unthread adjusting bushing, this
relieves the spring load, until it is free
of the valve spindle. Remove the
adjusting bushing/spring plate sub-
assembly and the springs. Remove
spindle nut, top actuator plate and
actuator diaphragm.
Install new diaphragm, top hat up. Be
sure the diaphragm is positioned so
the diaphragm bolt holes line up with
the cover bolt holes with no stretching
of the diaphragm. The compressor
should extend 0.72” from the bonnet
face in this relaxed position, reference
p. 10 for a view of the compressor
position. Re-assembly is the reverse of
the above, use Blue Loctite #242 on
the spindle nut. Thread the adjusting
bushing down until it shoulders. A gap
will exist between the covers until
properly bolted together using a criss-
cross pattern. Use three long bolts to
pull down the upper cover and pinch
the diaphragm. Tighten the standard
cover bolts, replace the three long
bolts and complete the assembly. See
Table 1 for fastener torques.
3.7.4 Spindle O-Ring Replacement (All sizes) Disconnect air lines. Remove actuator
from valve body and dismantle actua-
tor following instructions above for
removing actuator diaphragm and
springs. Withdraw valve diaphragm, compres-
sor and spindle assembly from the
bonnet. Replace o-rings and reassemble by
reversing the instructions and follow-
ing the steps for replacing a valve
diaphragm. Care must be used on the
Bio-Tek to align the compressor T-slot
with molded tabs in lower cover.
Lubricate o-rings prior to installation
per Section 3.4.
3.8 Direct Acting
3.8.1 Valve Diaphragm Replacement Disconnect air lines. Remove bonnet
bolts, lift actuator assembly from valve
body. Pressurize actuator by applying
air to upper cover, extending compres-
sor and diaphragm. Unscrew diaphragm from compressor
by turning counterclockwise. For PTFE assemblies only: Replace back-
ing cushion and PTFE diaphragm.
Note: To engage the threads of the
diaphragm stud invert the PTFE
diaphragm. To invert the diaphragm,
press on the center of the