The Roomba Remote lets you turn Roomba on and off and drive it around, all without bending down.
Remember to install batteries in your remote.To use the remote, you need to point it directly at
Send Roomba to the Home Base with the Remote just by driving in the front of the Home Base.
Roomba will see the Home Base and return automatically.
To drive forward press and hold the up button,to stop release the button. You can also use the pause
button to stop Roomba. To restart,press pause again and Roomba will continue on its mission. To
start a new mission, press CLEAN.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Roomba Remote
What can I do if Roomba's battery does not seem to be charging?
If Roomba's battery is not charging, you should first make sure it is properly seated in Roomba.
When you insert the battery, you should hear two clicks. Then confirm that the green light on the
charging “brick” is a solid green and that the power indicator light is pulsing. If Roomba is not
charging on the Home Base,try charging Roomba by plugging the charger directly into the robot..
If this does not work, call customer service at 877-855-8593.
What should I do if Roomba repeatedly starts and stops, or just spins in place?
If Roomba is repeatedly starting and stopping,or just spinning in place,you may have a blocked cliff
sensor.Try cleaning the cliff sensors,located under the bumper, with a Q-tip or compressed air.You
also should remove and clean Roomba's brushes and brush bearings.
What can I do if Roomba is cleaning longer than I'd like in a particular room?
Roomba automatically calculates room size and run time based on a number of factors.Roomba
will clean for longer in rooms with more debris and furniture.Roomba also spends a little bit
longer cleaning rugs than hard floors. In an empty 8x10 room with hard floors,Roomba will clean
for approximately 20 minutes. Removing obstacles from a room will decrease the amount of time
Roomba needs to spend in a room.
What can I do to help Roomba get back to the Home Base?
The Home Base creates an infrared "beam" that Roomba needs to find in order to return
successfully. You should make sure that the Home Base is plugged in, the power light is on,and the
base is on a flat, level surface. Do not use any Virtual Walls near the Home Base,the Virtual Walls
use an infrared signal similar to that of the Home Base that may prevent Roomba from successfuly
docking. If you have a particularly large home,Roomba may have trouble finding the Home Base at
the end of a cleaning cycle. If it does, try repositioning the Home Base.
For a complete list of Frequently Asked Questions,visit our website at www.irobot.com.
When you push a button on the
remote,you should see the green light
come on to indicate that you are sending
information to the robot.
The Roomba Remote,Virtual Wall,and Home Base all
operate using an invisible infra red beam.If they are all
used in the same area,Roomba may see multiple infra
red signals and will not operate.The Remote WILL NOT
work near Virtual Walls.