8VENTURE PART NO. 1093845
1. Check for any obvious damage to the carton or its contents.
(If damage is evident, notify your local Invacare Home Health
Care Dealer/Carrier.)
2. Remove all the loose packing from the carton.
3. Carefully remove all the components from the carton.
The following is a listing of items included in the device and
system packages:
VENTURE 50EX, 50 psig Demand Device with
MODEL IDD50EX Threaded Fitting Battery
Venture Operator's Manual.
VENTURE 20EX, 20 psig Demand Device with Barb
MODEL IDD20EX Fitting and Connection Tubing
Venture Operator's Manual Optional
Threaded Fitting.
VENTURE PACK 211EX, IDD20EX Demand Device With
MODEL IDD211EX Connecting Tube
AND VENTURE PACK 212EX, 20 psig Piston Type Flow Control
MODEL IDD212EX Regulator (0-6 L/min.)
Carrying Case: Dual Size Hunter
Green Shoulder Bag
M6 Cylinder (IDD211EX)
M9 Cylinder (IDD212EX)
Nasal Cannula, Cylinder Wrench,