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AXXESSORY Talk VisualMail must be programmed
on the system-wide level and the mailbox level. It can-
not be programmed through the AXXESSORY Talk
System-wide programming is performed through the
AXXESSORY Talk System-Wide Information screen,
as shown on the next page. After the system-wide
E-mail fields have been programmed and saved to the
database, the AXXESSORY Talk will log on to the cus-
tomer’s E-mail system. At that point, it is ready to start
sending E-mail messages.
NOTE: The installer should watch the voice mail mon-
itor closely and examine the AXXESSORY Talk mes-
sages to make sure that VisualMail is started. If it does
not start, the AXXESSORY Talk will keep trying every
30 seconds until login is successful or VisualMail is
manually disabled.
Next, each mailbox that is going to use the AXXESSO-
RY Talk VisualMail feature must be configured. This
requires programming of the mailbox’s VisualMail and
E-mail Address fields. Once these fields are pro-
grammed, AXXESSORY Talk VisualMail is fully op-
erational. Mailbox programming is performed using
the Mailbox screen shown on page 30.
Note that there are some other external configurations
involved in getting the AXXESSORY Talk VisualMail
to work:
The network interface card installed in the AX-
XESSORY Talk PC must be configured properly.
Windows NT networking must be properly config-
ured for the customer’s network configuration.
The customer’s E-mail System that is used by AX-
XESSORY Talk VisualMail should be tested to
send and receive E-mail properly.
The installer/programmer should test the AXXESSO-
RY Talk to make sure that:
All E-mail addresses are programmed correctly.
E-mail messages are sent to the E-mail server suc-
The E-mail server delivers the messages to users