36 User Manual
6.12 Why do I never see fish in the range between 0 to 0.7
The minimum range of the fish finder is 0.7 meters. In this interval the Fish Finder
can detect neither the bottom nor any target.
6.13 How can I reduce the surface clutter?
You can act by: properly setting the STC as described at 6.12 and also by increas-
ing the NOISE LEVEL and reducing the GAIN or the GAIN OFFSET (if you are in
auto gain mode). However please note that a strong attenuation of surface clutter
may also reduce the capability to detect targets.
6.14 The Fish Finder is in auto gain mode but the picture
display too many small targets, what shall I do to reduce
the screen clutter?
Try increasing the NOISE LEVEL or decreasing the GAIN OFFSET.
6.15 In very shallow waters when the AUTO GAIN mode is
selected there are fluctuations in the bottom profile
width and its color representation. What should I do?
In very shallow waters the environment situation (bottom/water condition) vary
very quickly thus causing the auto gain algorithm to create oscillations while
trying to set optimal GAIN value for each situation. To avoid this it is advisable to
switch to MANUAL GAIN mode and fine tune the GAIN to a fixed setting.
6.16 In very deep waters even setting the GAIN to its maxi-
mum value I cannot see the bottom what shall I do?
Try decreasing the NOISE LEVEL. If still the bottom is not visible there is nothing
you can do, the bottom echo is simply too weak to be detected.