
Conguration of the Firewall/Router for Access across the Internet
To allow access to the Digital KVM over IP Switch behind a corporate rewall/router, establish
the following settings on your rewall/router (not on your switch).
1. Congure a virtual server on your router (or ask your network administrator to do it) as
mapped to the switch’s local IP address.
2. Open a port range (<port_base> – <port_base_+_9>) both inbound and outbound for the
virtual server according to what has been previously congured as the port base for the
As per the previous example, if the switch is congured with a port base of 5970, then the port
range should be opened as 5970–5979 (i.e., <port_base> – <port_base +9>) both for inbound
and outbound, in which:
for the switch’s viewer connection port: <port_base> = 5970
for the browser SSL connection port: <port_base + 8> = 5978
for viewer internal communication, etc.: <port_base + 9> = 5979
EXAMPLE: Router Internet IP virtual server (port range open) switch’s local IP virtual server (port 5970–5979 open)
Once you’ve congured a virtual server with an appropriate port range open (<port_base> –
<port_base_+_9>), you can try to access your switch across the Internet by using a public IP
address and designated port number. Based on the previous example settings:
Browser access: https://
Viewer access:
If you have domain name mapping to the public IP address, you can also use the domain
name; for example:
Browser access: https:// www.mycompany.com:5978
Viewer access: www.mycompany.com:5970
NOTE: Once you’ve changed the port base of your switch, you should also modify the open
port range on your router accordingly if you want Internet access to come across.
Installation of Certicates
NOTE: You can use the default set of certicates (on the included CD) to practice making some
PKI-authenticated connections as long as your network safety isn’t jeopardized. It’s recommended
that this be done within your local area network, assuming it’s well secured with an adequate
rewall and other due precautions against network intrusions. Otherwise, anyone who has a
copy of the default certicates can establish a connection to your servers. If you have already
obtained a set of certicates with the le names and formats required for the switch (which is
strongly recommended), you can use them for viewer authentication. You can also generate
the certicates using software like XCA. (For certicate generation using XCA, refer to “How
to Generate KLE Certicates Using XCA” on the included CD.)
First, you need to have these certicates — as mentioned above, if you haven’t obtained your
own certicates, you can use the default set of certicates — ready on your client computers
for uploading to the switch via a Web browser:
root certicate (root.crt)
server certicate (server.crt), and
server private key (serverkey.pem)
Once you’ve located whichever set of certicates is to be used, you can begin the installation
1. Access the switch’s Web Management interface and go to the Security Settings screen.