
Intel Server RAID Controller U3-1 (SRCU31) 17
Quick Start Guide
Install Components
6 Press Enter to select all packages. After completing the installation of the
components reboot the server.
7 Log on to the server as root or equivalent.
8 Launch Storage Console.
a. To launch Storage Console launch Netscape and ensure that the URL
points to http://localhost:360/. Press Enter.
b. Click on the IOP # card that you want to configure; for example,
IOP0, IOP1 etc.
c. Click on the RAID Storage Console link. The Storage Console
See Chapter 4 of the SCRU31 Users Manual for more information on
customizing your RAID volumes using Storage Console.
Setup and Installation for Red Hat
Linux 6.2
Setup and installation instructions for Red Hat Linux 6.2 are available at the
SRCU31 web site: