
BIOS Intel® Server Board SE7501WV2 TPS
Revision 1.0
Intel reference number C25653-001
Table 29. ASCII Key Mappings
Key Normal Shift Ctrl Alt
Backspace (^H) (08h) (08h) (7Fh) <ESC>}(08h)
(accent) ` ` (tilde) ~ NS <ESC>}`
1 1 ! NS <ESC>}1
2 2 @ NS <ESC>}2
3 3 # NS <ESC>}3
4 4 $ NS <ESC>}4
5 5 % NS <ESC>}5
6 6 ^ NS <ESC>}6
7 7 & NS <ESC>}7
8 8 * NS <ESC>}8
9 9 ( NS <ESC>}9
0 0 ) NS <ESC>}0
(dash) - - (under) _ (1Fh) <ESC>}-
= = + NS <ESC>}=
a to z a to z A to Z (01h) to (1Ah) <ESC>}a to <ESC>}z
[ [ { (1Bh) <ESC>}[
] ] } (1Dh) <ESC>}]
\ \ | (1Ch) <ESC>}\
(semi-colon) ; ; (colon) : NS <ESC>};
(apostrophe) ' (quote) " NS <ESC>}'
(comma) , , < NS <ESC>},
(period) . . > NS <ESC>}.
/ / ? NS <ESC>}/
(space) (20h) (20h) (20h) <ESC>}(20h)
(carriage return or ^M) (0Dh)
NS = not supported
(xxh) = ASCII character xx
6.13.3 Limitations
Console redirection is a real-mode BIOS extension. It does not operate outside of real mode. In
addition, console redirection will not function if the operating system or a driver, such as
EMM386*, takes the processor into protected mode. If an application moves the processor in
and out of protected mode, it should inhibit redirection before entering protected mode and
restart redirection when it returns to real mode.
Video is redirected by scanning and sending changes in text video memory. Therefore, console
redirection is unable to redirect video in graphics mode. Since the BIOS scans the text video
memory, an additional limitation exists if the system does not contain a video graphics adapter
or a proprietary means of buffering the video memory. The BIOS may not have a method to
send changes in text video memory if an application such as an option ROM writes directly to
video memory.