
Server Board S5000PAL / S5000XAL TPS Appendix D: POST Error Messages and Handling
Revision 1.4
Intel order number: D31979-007
Appendix D: POST Error Messages and Handling
Whenever possible, the BIOS will output the current boot progress codes on the video screen. Progress
codes are 32-bit quantities plus optional data. The 32-bit numbers include class, subclass, and operation
information. The class and subclass fields point to the type of hardware that is being initialized. The
operation field represents the specific initialization activity. Based on the data bit availability to display
progress codes, a progress code can be customized to fit the data width. The higher the data bit, the
higher the granularity of information that can be sent on the progress port. The progress codes may be
reported by the system BIOS or option ROMs.
The Response section in the following table is divided into two types:
Pause: The message is displayed in the Error Manager screen, an error is logged to the
SEL, and user input is required to continue. The user can take immediate corrective
action or choose to continue booting.
Halt: The message is displayed in the Error Manager screen, an error is logged to the SEL,
and the system cannot boot unless the error is resolved. The user needs to replace the
faulty part and restart the system.
Table 47. POST Error Messages and Handling
Error Code Error Message Response
004C Keyboard / interface error Pause
0012 CMOS date / time not set Pause
5220 Configuration cleared by jumper Pause
5221 Passwords cleared by jumper Pause
5223 Configuration default loaded Pause
0048 Password check failed Halt
0141 PCI resource conflict Pause
0146 Insufficient memory to shadow PCI ROM Pause
8110 Processor 01 internal error (IERR) on last boot Pause
8111 Processor 02 internal error (IERR) on last boot Pause
8120 Processor 01 thermal trip error on last boot Pause
8121 Processor 02 thermal trip error on last boot Pause
8130 Processor 01 disabled Pause
8131 Processor 02 disabled Pause
8160 Processor 01 unable to apply BIOS update Pause
8161 Processor 02 unable to apply BIOS update Pause
8190 Watchdog timer failed on last boot Pause
8198 Operating system boot watchdog timer expired on last boot Pause
0192 L3 cache size mismatch Halt
0194 CPUID, processor family are different Halt
0195 Front side bus mismatch Pause
0197 Processor speeds mismatched Pause
8300 Baseboard management controller failed self-test Pause
8306 Front panel controller locked Pause
8305 Hot swap controller failed Pause
84F2 Baseboard management controller failed to respond Pause
84F3 Baseboard management controller in update mode Pause
84F4 Sensor data record empty Pause