Evaluation Board Manual 2-3
Getting Started
4. If you have MON960 installed in the flash ROM, press <ENTER> on a terminal connected to
the IQ80960RM/RN platform to bring up the MON960 prompt. MON960 automatically
adjusts its baud rate to match that of the terminal at start-up. At baud rates other than 9600, it
may be necessary to press <ENTER> several times.
2.4 Creating and Downloading Executable Files
To download code to the IQ80960RM/RN platform running IxWorks, consult Wind River
documentation on the supplied TORNADO for I
O CD-ROM. To download code to the
IQ80960RM/RN platform, your compiler produces an ELF-format object file.
To download code to the IQ80960RM/RN platform running CTOOLS, consult the CTOOLS
documentation for information regarding compiling, linking, and downloading applications.
During a download, MON960 checks the link address stored in the ELF file, and stores the file at
that location on the IQ80960RM/RN platform. If the executable file is linked to an invalid address
on the IQ80960RM/RN platform, MON960 aborts the download.
2.4.1 Sample Download and Execution Using GDB960
This example shows you how to use GBD960 to download and execute a file named myapp via
the serial port.
• Invoke GDB960. From a Windows 95/NT command prompt, issue the command:
gdb960 -r com2 myapp
This command establishes communication and downloads the file myapp.
• To execute the program, enter the command from the GDB960 command prompt:
(gdb960) run
More information on the GDB960 commands mentioned in this section can be found in the
GDB960 User’s Manual.