Register Description
82845 MCH for SDR Datasheet 91
3.6.19 PMBASE1—Prefetchable Memory Base Address Register
(Device 1)
Address Offset: 24–25h
Default Value: FFF0h
Access: R/W
Size: 16 bits
This register controls the host to AGP prefetchable memory accesses routing based on the
following formula:
The upper 12 bits of the register are read/write and correspond to the upper 12 address bits
A[31:20] of the 32-bit address. The bottom 4 bits of this register are read-only and return 0s when
read. The configuration software must initialize this register. For the purpose of address decode,
address bits A[19:0] are assumed to be 0. Thus, the bottom of the defined memory address range
will be aligned to a 1 MB boundary.
Bit Description
15:4 Prefetchable Memory Address Base 1(PMEM_BASE1). Corresponds to A[31:20] of the
memory address.
3:0 Reserved.
3.6.20 PMLIMIT1—Prefetchable Memory Limit Address Register
(Device 1)
Address Offset: 26–27h
Default Value: 0000h
Access: R/W
Size: 16 bits
This register controls the host to AGP prefetchable memory accesses routing based on the
following formula:
The upper 12 bits of the register are read/write and correspond to the upper 12 address bits
A[31:20] of the 32-bit address. The bottom 4 bits of this register are read-only and return 0s when
read. The configuration software must initialize this register. For the purpose of address decode,
address bits A[19:0] are assumed to be FFFFFh. Thus, the top of the defined memory address
range will be at the top of a 1 MB aligned memory block.
Bit Description
15:4 Prefetchable Memory Address Limit 1(PMEM_LIMIT1). Corresponds to A[31:20] of the
memory address. (Default=00h)
3:0 Reserved.
Note: Prefetchable memory range is supported to allow segregation by the configuration software
between the memory ranges that must be defined as UC and the ones that can be designated as a
USWC (i.e., prefetchable) from the processor perspective.