Voice API for Linux Demo Guide — June 2005 15
Running the Demos
Note: On Linux, the demo name is case-sensitive and must be entered as shown.
The demo options are described in Table 1, “Voice Demo Options”, on page 15. If you don’t
specify an option, default options are assumed.
4.1.5 Starting the d40demo
To run the d40demo, follow these instructions:
1. Open a command prompt window and go to the directory where the demo is located. The
default location is in the /demos/dx_demos/d40demo directory under
INTEL_DIALOGIC_DIR (the environment variable for the directory in which the system
release software was installed).
2. At the command prompt, type
./d40demo <device name list>
where device name list is a list of one or more channels that the demo will use. For example:
./d40demo dxxxB1C1 dxxxB1C2
Note: On Linux, the demo name is case-sensitive and must be entered as shown.
4.2 Demo Options
The format for specifying options at the command prompt is:
[demo name] -<option1> -<option2> -<optionn>
where n represents the last option.
Table 1 illustrates options for the cbansr, pansr, and dpddemo demos. (Other demos do not use
options.) These options are specified from the command line. If an option is not specified when
running a demo, a default value applies.
Notes: 1. The order in which you specify demo options is not important.
2. In the table, N represents an integer.
Table 1. Voice Demo Options
Demo Option Default Value Description/Value
-? N/A Displays list of command line arguments or options.
-dN N/A Specifies the number of the first D/4x board to use.
Example: -d1.
-tN N/A Specifies the number of the first digital network
interface board to use. Example: -t2.