IRN37 - 160K - CC & IRN50 - 200H & IRN75 - 160K - 2S & IRN - 100 - 200H - 2S & IRN 250 - 300H - 2S
1. Emergency stop
Pressing this switch stops the compressor immediately. The
blowdown valve will open to vent pressure in the separator tank to
atmosphere. Note: the system downstream of the separator tank
may still contain pressure. The compressors can not be restarted
until the switch is manually reset. Turn the switch knob clockwise
and press the reset button twice to reset.
On reset the controller will display a message, indicating that the
compressor is ready to start.
2. Start
Pressing this button will activate the start sequence.
3. Stop
Pressing this button will activate the stop sequence.
4. F1
Not used.
5. F2
Not used.
6. Arrows
These up and down buttons have multiple functions relating to
the right half of the display screen. When lists are presented, the
buttons are used to move up or down through the items on the
list. The small arrow(s) displayed in the upper right hand corner of
the display screen indicate when you can move up (designated by
arrow head pointing up) and/or down (designated by arrow head
pointing down) through the list.
When the value of a specific machine operating parameter is
highlighted on the display screen for the purpose of changing that
value, the buttons are used to change the value itself.
7. Display buttons
The functions of the three buttons below the display screen
change and are defined by the words immediately above them in
the bottom line of the screen. Each function, such as MAIN MENU,
STATUS, etc., is described in appropriate sections in this manual.