3.4 Installing a SIM card and a full format card
The SIM card and full format card connectors are located in the battery compartment located
under the terminal.
Don’t touch the terminal on battery connectors
Installing the SIM card
) Remove the battery,
) Unlock the connector by sliding the
metallic part in the direction of the
OPEN arrow,
) Lift the card housing up,
) Insert a SIM card into the housing,
Make sure you put it in the right way,
follow the foolproof lug!
) Put the housing back down again,
) Lock the connector by sliding the
metallic part in the direction of the
LOCK arrow.
Removing the SIM card
) Follow the installing instructions to
remove the SIM card
L With SIMcards it is possible to access different services and to add new functions to
the terminal. For example, a SIM card will be supplied by the bank manage the Moneo
electronic purse.
Foolproof lug
Full format