InFocus LiteShow User’s Guide 27
Update a Wireless Driver
Contact your wireless hardware vendor’s technical support for 802.11b driver updates. Most vendors now support
WLAN configuration options that provide for advanced network switching features.
The Advanced Feature set in the LiteShow Manager is referencing this WLAN Network Device Interface Specification
- Object Identifier (NDIS-OID) application, or advanced network switching, interface that allows PC applications to
configure network properties. This allows LiteShow Manager to automatically switch networks and identify LiteShow
Adapters on detected WLAN’s.
In the event that your wireless PC adapter vendor does not support advanced network switching, refer to the
www.infocus.com/service/liteshow website for known compatible 802.11b wireless cards.
Set Up Network Profiles
If you cannot locate an updated wireless adapter driver that fully supports advanced network switching, the option is
to manually configure the networking card to match the settings of the LiteShow device. This is known as setting up a
Network Profile. By using Network Profiles, LiteShow should work fine for projecting even though your wireless
adapter driver has not been updated. You will not, however, be able to use the Scan button or automatically project to
a LiteShow-enabled projector on a different WLAN. Once the settings match, wireless projection should occur cor-
rectly. This is normally done via a configuration utility that ships with the networking card. Different cards call their
utility different names, but typical names are, "Profile Manager" or "Client Manager."