DVD operation keys
Tooperate theDVD drive,touch thepreferred key
or select the preferred key displayed on the op-
eration screen using the INFINITI controller.
PAUSE key:
Touchthe “
”PAUSE keyto pause the DVD.
To resume playing the DVD, touch the
”PLAY key.
To pause the DVD, it is also possible to press
button on the keypad of the remote
PLAY key:
Touch the “
” PLAY key to start playing the
DVD, for example, after pausing the DVD.
To start playing the DVD, it is also possible to
press the
button on the keypad of the
remote controller.
STOP key:
Touch the “
” STOP key to stop playing the
To stop playing the DVD, it is also possible to
press the
button on the keypad of the
remote controller.
SKIP (forward) key:
”SKIPkey toskipthe chapter(s)
of thedisc forward.The chapterswill advancethe
number oftimes the “
”SKIPkey is touched.
Touch and hold the “
” SKIP key for more
than 1.5 seconds to fast forward the disc. When
the “
”SKIP key is released, the disc will be
played normally.
To skip the chapter(s) forward, it is also possible
to press the
button on the keypad of the
remote controller.
SKIP (rewind) key:
”SKIPkey toskipthe chapter(s)
of the disc backward. The chapters will go back
the number of times the “
” SKIP key is
Touch and hold the “
” SKIP key for more
than 1.5 seconds to rewind the disc. When the
” SKIP key is released, the disc will be
played normally.
To skip the chapter(s) backward, it is also pos-
sible to press the
button on the keypad of
the remote controller.
DVD settings
Touch the “Settings” key to adjust the following
settings while playing a DVD.
When all the changes have been made, press
BACK button to save all the settings.
Switch to DVD-AUX:
Switch the output source from the DVD drive to
another device connected to the auxiliary input
jacks located on the DVD player.
For more information, see “DVD auxiliary input
jacks” later in this section.
Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems 4-61
2010 Infiniti QX56 (iwz)
Owners Manual (owners)—USA_English (nna)