
This command line utility exports the workflow execution logs into an XML file.
The tool simplifies the process of sending workflows to the Software Support team
so they can access the log information that they need to diagnose a workflow
problem without accessing your computer remotely. The user can export the run
history of individual workflows, or the run history of more logs into a log file
whose name, file format, and location you can specify.
The command line utility is available at the following location:
where %TIO_HOME% is the Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator home directory.
or Linux
for Windows: Enter the following command on one line:
workflowLogExport.cmd (-n <workflow_name>* | -r <request_id>) [-f <export_filename>]
[-i <input_filename>]
v [-n workflow_name]* is a command option that specifies the name of the
workflow whose run history you want to export to a log file. The asterisk (*)
indicates that you can include multiple workflow names in this variable. If you
do not specify one or more workflow names, workflowLogExport will dump the
workflow run history for all workflows.
v [-r <request_id>] is a command option that indicates the deployment request
v [-f export_filename] is a command option that specifies the fully qualified
path and file name of the workflow log. By default, the file format for the
exported log file is XML, and the default file name is workflowLogExport.xml. If
you do not specify a different file format, the workflow log file will be exported
by default to XML. Also, if no file location is specified, the log file will be
exported by default to the %TIO_LOGS% directory.
v [-i input_filename] is a command option that specifies the name of the file
that lists the names of all workflows whose run history you want to export to
the same log file.
workflowLogExport.cmd -n MyWorkflow1 -n MyWorkflow2 -r 10017 -f "c:/myDirectory/
myWorkflowExport.xml" -i "c:/myDirectory/myExportWorkflowList.txt"
workflowLogExport.cmd -i "c:/myDirectory/myExportWorkflowList.txt"
workflowLogExport.cmd -i "c:/myDirectory/myExportWorkflowList.txt" -n MyWorkflow101
Syntax for UNIX:
workflowLogExport.cmd (-n <workflow_name>* | -r <request_id>) [-f <export_filename>]
[-i <input_filename>]
where the command options are the same as the command options for Windows.
Returned file: The workflow run history will be exported into a log file with a
file name and format that you can specify. If you do not specify them, the
workflow run history will be exported by default to workflowLogExport.xml in the
%TIO_LOGS% directory.
66 Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator Problem Determination and Troubleshooting Guide