Common parts list
Tools P/N
Triconnector wrap plug 72X8546
PC test card 35G4703
Audio wrap cable 66G5180
USB parallel test cable 05K2580
Screwdriver kit 95F3598
Torque screwdriver 05K4695
5 mm socket wrench 05K4694
Screwdriver 27L8126
ThinkPad hardware maintenance diskette version
Note: Download the file from the Web site.
Power cords (system)
IBM power cords for a specific country are usually
available only in that region:
For 2-pin power cords:
Region P/N
Canada, United States of America 13H5264
Japan 13H5273
Argentina 36L8870
For 3-pin power cords:
Region P/N
Australia, New Zealand 76H3514
Taiwan, Thailand 76H3516
Italy 76H3530
Denmark 76H3520
U.K., China (Hong Kong S.A.R.) 76H3524
European countries 76H3518
India, South Africa 76H3522
Israel 76H3532
Korea 76H3535
China (P.R.C.) (other than Hong Kong) 02K0539
Switzerland 76H3528
Parts list
148 ThinkPad A20m/p, A21m/p, A22m/p