84 Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server
2. The Create server instance page (Figure 4-7) appears. Follow these steps:
a. Enter the server instance name, such as the NEW in our example.
b. Enter the configuration that was just created, which is CC in this example.
c. Click Create.
Figure 4-7 Create server instance page
You see the message “Message The server instance was successfully created”.
In WRKACTJOB SBS(QHTTPSVR), you now see ADMIN jobs and jobs with the name of the
instance that was just created. All should be in
wait states. The first one should be in a
CNDW wait state.
Setting up on the iSeries
This section explains how to set up journaling for certain files. It discusses special user
profiles for vendor.connect that use a specifically configured job description to give
vendor.connect its library list. This section also explains how to set up extra System21 data
and database triggers for the required files.
Because WebSphere applications run under commitment control, you must journal files that
are used by vendor.connect. Since you must journal files from different libraries, you must
create the journal receiver and the journal in a new library rather than in an existing System21
library. You must journal the files listed on the following page to operate vendor.connect.
However, merely journaling these files does not give you full advantages of journaling such as
extra security.
Performance improves if files are journaled to an auxiliary storage pool (ASP). The following
steps provide commands for use with and without an ASP.