60 S/390 PID: ThinkPad Enabled for S/390
We went into the ThinkPad BIOS (F1 after starting the ThinkPad) and changed all the
power-related functions to “Disable.” This solved the problem and we could leave OS/390
running overnight with no problems. We did not attempt to analyze the exact use of each
BIOS control. We needed to scroll in at least one of the BIOS screens to access all the
5.23 Useful Linux commands
Not all ThinkPad/EFS owners have Linux or UNIX backgrounds, and a few brief notes may
help these users.
Common commands
New users may find Linux commands a little confusing. The following is intended as a brief
reminder of the syntax for a number of commands often used while working with Linux in a
ThinkPad/EFS environment.
chown flexes /s390/volA make userid “flexes” owner of this file
chgrp flexes /s390/volA make group “flexes” the group owner of this file
chown aaa:bbb /home/myfile make sss the owner userid and bbb the owner groupid
chmod 600 /s390/volA allow only file owner to read & write this file
cat filename list all of a file on the terminal
more filename list a file, page by page (space bar to advance page)
(Ctrl-z to exit from the program)
less filename a newer version of more
cp /s390/volA /s391/volX copy first file to second file
find / -name unzip start search in root and find file named “unzip”
updatedb update the database used by the locate command (root)
locate unzip locate all files with “unzip” in their name
file /usr/bin/unzip describe nature of named file
mkdir /home/ogden/source create a new directory
ls -al list current directory, in some detail
ls -lrt list current directory, most recently updated files last
mv oldfile newfile rename or move a file
rm filename delete a file
head filename list first 10 lines of file
tail filename list last 10 lines of file
tar -cvxf mytar.tar /flexes/rundir create tar file from files in /flexes/rundir
tar -tvxf mytar.tar list files contained in “my.tar”
tar -xvxf mytar.tar extract all the files in the tar file
unzip /dev/cdrom/os390/os39ra.zip -d/s390 unzip a file on CD-ROM
mdir a: display DOS diskette
mcopy /flexes/x/y a:x.txt copy Linux file to a DOS diskette file
mdel a:afile.txt delete a file on diskette
mformat a: format a DOS diskette
shutdown -h now shut down the Linux system
When we first installed the ThinkPad, we quickly checked the BIOS controls and thought we disabled any
automatic power-off function. However, we failed to scroll through all the options and we had the automatic
shutdown problem just mentioned.