3.1.6. SOURCE Group
GAUSSIAN Produces a TEM00 Gaussian beam, centred at (x, y, z), with 1/e
diameter width, whose axis is specified by the vector(kx, ky, kz),
which can have any length. The E field is linearly polarized, with
components (mag*Ex, mag*Ey, mag*Ez). Circular or elliptical
polarizations can be synthesized by using two with different phases.
In this release, orientation must be XY, because tempest can’t handle
plane waves whose source locus isn’t perpendicular to z. Also in
this release, the focus of the beam is at the plane of excitation, i.e.
xfocus, yfocus, and zfocus don’t do anything yet. This will be fixed in
the next release.
Parameters: x y z width kx ky kz Ex Ey Ez mag phase n k orientation
AIRY Similar to Gaussian, but with a uniform pupil function, giving rise
to an Airy pattern (J1(x)/x) at the focus.
Parameters:Not implemented in this release.
PUPILFUNCTION Similar to GAUSSIAN, but allowing a general user function f(u,v) to
be used as the pupil function. GAUSSIAN is already implemented
on top of this function, but it hasn’t been exposed for this release.
Parameters:Not implemented in this release.
PLANE Adds a linearly polarized plane wave source. The position
parameters x, y, z specify the point at which the plane wave has the
given phase.
Parameters: x y z kx ky kz Ex Ey Ez mag phase orientation
MODEFILE Adds a mode file source. Mode files are lists of E field components
vs position, produced by the MODEFILE output statement in a
previous POEMS run, allowing the output of one run to become the
input of another. This is especially useful in waveguide problems
such as the one in Section 3.6.3. The coordinates specified are the
centre of the mode array, which is in general offset from the origin.
Parameters: file x y z orientation